Self-directed Support Service
Self-directed Support (SDS) has been introduced to give you more choice and flexibility in how you can get the support you need.
There are 4 different ways to do this and they are called ‘SDS Options’. Once Health & Social Care have advised you about the assistance you can have, we’re just a call away for free information, advice and support about SDS.
When you get in touch, our experienced SDS advisors will firstly want to find out what is important to you, or the person you’re caring for. This will let us give you one-to-one support to start you thinking about what option you want.
We can assist you to employ your own personal assistant/s by letting you know about safe recruiting by supporting you through every step you need to know about being a good employer. Remember we have helped lots of people in Ayrshire to employ their own personal assistants so you can speak to someone just like you who wanted to take this option. Once you’re happy with your choice, it means you can begin to get on with the things you really want to be doing!
If you prefer to have agency support we can assist you with this and help you check their Care Inspectorate reports.
View SDS options video

Self-directed Support Service
Here are the 4 different ways you can arrange the SDS that suits you.
Option 1
You choose to take Direct Payments to buy and arrange the support you want
Option 2
You can ask the council to arrange the support you want and the money is managed through an Individual Service Fund (ISF)
Option 3
The council pick and arrange the support they think is best for you.
Option 4
A mix of the other 3 options
View SDS options video

Remember, it can be a lot to take in at first, so don’t worry, we’re just a call away on 01294 475685/6 if you prefer a chat

Self-directed Support Service
Document Downloads
- Week 48 Timesheet 18.01.2025
- Week 44 Timesheet 21.12.2024
- Week 40 Timesheet 23.11.2024
- Week 36 Timesheet 26.10.2024
- Payroll schedule 2023 - 2024
- East Ayrshire Care Providers List
- South Ayrshire Care Providers List
- North Ayrshire Care Providers
- Carers Fire Safety Guide
- Cinema Exhibitors Card Application Form
- Application Form for Employment
- Blank Staff Rota Template
- What is Self-directed Support?
- Easy Read Guide to SDS (Self-directed Support) from Inspiring Scotland
- Self-directed Support case studies from Ayrshire
- Simple Guide to SDS Option 1
View SDS options video

Remember, it can be a lot to take in at first, so don’t worry, we’re just a call away on 01294 475685/6 if you prefer a chat